Presentations at conferences


Alem H., Kumbhakar S., Alemayehu F., 2024. Unpredictable Yet Influential: Weather Patterns and Crop Production Efficiency in Norway XVIII EWEPA | ALGARVE, JUNE 18-21, 2024, University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal. “

Alem H. 6th Funders Forum: Insights from the SYSTEMIC project. 23-24 of April 2024. Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, Belgium

Alem H (2024).  The Impact of Climate Change on Sustainable Food Supply and Demand. Lecture for BIO600 Sustainable Future Foods, University of Stavanger, Norway

Toccaceli, M., Marinelli, A., Ballabio, F., Bassolino, L., Pacifico, D., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Lo Scalzo, R., Camilloni, C., Mandolino, G., Petroni, K. (2024). Upland pigmented potatoes as valuable functional foods with anti-inflammatory properties: an insight into bioactive compounds interaction. Oral Communication. 67th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress, Bologna (Italy), 10-13 September 2024

Toccaceli, M., Marinelli, A., Bassolino, L., Pacifico, D., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Lo Scalzo, R., Mandolino, G., Petroni, K. (2024). Upland pigmented potatoes as a climate change-resilient functional food against inflammatory-related diseases. Oral Communication. 9th PhD Students Meeting, Milan (Italy), 28-30 May 2024

Tucci M, Martini D, Del Bo’ C, Vinelli V, Biscotti P, Riso P. (2024). From EAT-IT to MED_EAT-IT: a step towards sustainable personalized diets for the Italian food context. 7th International conference on Foodomics, Cesena 14 th – 16 th February 2024. Oral communication

Martini D. (2024). Dieta e sostenibilità: definizione e sinergie; 1° Congress Young Working Group of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU) “Salute dell’uomo e del pianeta: il ruolo della dieta”. Milan, 19th January, 2024, Invited Lecture


Riso P. (2023). Plenary lecture “Modelli di alimentazione sostenibile: una sfida globale” at the Congress HOT TOPICS DI NEONATOLOGIA E PEDIATRIA – E’ possibile un modello nutrizionale di salute e sostenibilità sin dalle prime epoche di vita?” Villa Cagnola, Gazzada  Schianno, 16th December 2023

Biscotti P, Tucci M, Del Bo’ C, Vinelli V, Riso P, Martini D. (2023). Cows milk and plant-based beverages: A comparison of their effect on nutrient intake within healthy and sustainable dietary patterns. Healthy and sustainable diets: The role of animal-derived foods” Conference, London – December 5 th 2023. Poster presentation.

Vinelli V, Tucci M, Martini D, Perna S, Mantegazza G, Gargari G, Biscotti P, Trezza A, De amicis R, Battezzati A, Bertoli S, Leone A, Guglielmetti S, Porrini M, Del Bo’ C, Riso P. (2023). Impact on acceptability and health-related markers of an Italian-Mediterranean, sustainable, plantbased dietary pattern: a pilot intervention study. Healthy and sustainable diets: The role of animal-derived foods” Conference, London – December 5 th 2023. Poster presentation

Alem H (2023). An integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: insights from the SYSTEMIC network. POSTER on 14th European Nutrition Conference. 14-17th November 2023, Belgrade, Serbia

Bindi M., (2023) Food Water Day 2023- “Different perspectives to ensure food security and sustainable water management”. 16th October 2023 (Project presentation)

Martini D, Tucci M, Del Bo’, Del Rio D, Riso P. (2023). Reformulation of food products on the Italian market within the ONFOODS project: the EFFORT study. FENS 2023 – The 14th European Nutrition Conference. Belgrade-Serbia, November 14th-17th 2023

Martini D. (2023). Invited lecture “Sustainable healthy diets as part of food-based dietary guidelines” at FENS 2023 – The 14th European Nutrition Conference. Belgrade-Serbia, November 17th 2023

Alem  H (2023). Impact through Synergy: Insights from the SYSTEMIC project. European consortia in the FHLE-continuum. Venue ARTIS, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Project presentation)

Martini D. (2023). Lecture “Fabbisogno di nutrienti e consumi alimentari: il ruolo del genere” at the Seminar “Donne, agricoltura e alimentazione: coltivare e nutrire l’equità di genere”. Milan, December 1st, 2023

Martini D. (2023). Roundtable “Cibo sano e giusto” at the Transition days 2023 organized by Fondazione Feltrinelli. Milan, October 24th, 2023

Alem H (2023). GHG Emissions and Eco-efficiency in the Norwegian Dairy Farms: A Dynamic Perspective. XVII EAAE Congress, Rennes, Frace, August 29- September 1, 2023

Rincione, R., Longo, S., Cellura, M., Luu, L.Q., Guarino, F., Mistretta, M. (2023). Environmental impacts of protein-rich food alternative to meat: a literature analysis (in Italian language “Impatti ambientali di alimenti ricchi di proteine alternativi alla carne: un’analisi di letteratura”). XVII Conference of the Italian LCA Network Association, 28-30 June 2023, Milan (Italy).

Toccaceli, M., Marinelli, A., Bassolino, L., Pacifico, D., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Lo Scalzo, R., Mandolino, G., Petroni, K. (2023). Pigmented potatoes and their preventive effect against LPS-induced inflammation in THP-1 macrophages1st Intersociety Congress on Plant products for Human health: the role of medicinal plants in modern medicine | Padua (Italy) 15-17 June 2023

Toccaceli, M., Marinelli, A., Bassolino, L., Pacifico, D., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Lo Scalzo, R., Mandolino, G., Petroni, K. (2023). Pigmented upland potatoes: different in vitro anti-inflammatory activity based on their distinctive bioactives. Poster Communication. 4th International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health, Prague (Czech Republic), 18-21 September 2023

Toccaceli, M., Marinelli, A., Bassolino, L., Pacifico, D., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Lo Scalzo, R., Mandolino, G., Petroni, K. (2023). Anti-inflammatory potential of pigmented potatoes enriched in Chlorogenic Acid, Carotenoids or Anthocyanins. Flash Oral Presentation. XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Nantes (France), 3-6 July 2023

D’Addezio, L, Turrini, A., Sette, S., Le Donne, C., Piccinelli, R., Mistura, L., Martone, D., Catasta, G., Comendador Azcarraga, F.J., Ferrari, M. (2023) Application of the FoodEx2 system for the classification and description of the food list in the Italian dietary surveys IV SCAI. XLIII Congress of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU), 7-9 June, 2023, Arezzo, Italy.


Alem, H. (2022). Green Total Factor Productivity contribution to Farm-Level Performance: Evidence from Norwegian Dairy Farms. 44th Meeting of the Norwegian Association for Economists; 25 – 26th of October 2022 at the University of Stavanger Business School.

Martelli A., Tullio M., Rivoli M., Monaco M., Orlandini S., Verdi L., Dalla Marta A., Altobelli F. (2022). Sentinel-2 data processing tool for aquacrop: water requirements assessment on rice under drip irrigation. Proceedings of the 51st Conference of the Italian Society of Agronomy, Padova, Italy, 19th -21st September 2022

Pacifico, D., Lo Scalzo, R., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Bianchi, G., Mandolino, G., Bindi, M. (2022). Up-Land Environment Influences The Potato Nutritional Profile. Poster Communication. Proceedings of the 51st Conference of the Italian Society of Agronomy, Padova, Italy, 19th -21st September 2022

Pacifico D., Lo Scalzo R., Parisi B., Nicoletti F., Bianchi G., Mandolino G. Up-land environment influences the potato nutritional profile (2022) GDR, Caserta (Italy), 7-8 novembre 2022

Padovan, G., Masoni, A., Bindi, M., Mancini,M., Ghiselli,L., Benedettelli, S., Staglianò, N., Ferrise, R. (2022). Effects Of Different Nitrogen And Phosphorous Fertilization On The Grain Filling Dynamics Of Two Bread Wheat Varieties, Verna And Bolero. Poster Communication. Proceedings of the 51st Conference of the Italian Society of Agronomy, Padova, Italy, 19th -21st September 2022

Toccaceli, M., Marinelli, A., Bassolino, L., Pacifico, D., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Lo Scalzo, R., Mandolino, G., Petroni, K. (2022). Anti-inflammatory properties of different potato varieties in THP-1 macrophages. Poster Communication PP.O2G.7 Book of Abstracts of 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health, Starhotel Du Parc Parma (Italy) 21th-24th June 2022

Toccaceli, M., Marinelli, A., Bassolino, L., Pacifico, D., Parisi, B., Nicoletti, F., Lo Scalzo, R., Mandolino, G., Petroni, K. (2022). Anti-inflammatory effect of upland potato varieties in THP-1 macrophages. Poster Communication. XVII FISV Congress, Portici (Naples, Italy), 14-16 September 2022

Pacifico D., (2022) From Research to Business: Focus un potato bio-compounds (oral communication) 17° Salone internazionale della Ricerca e delle Competenze per l’Innovazione: Convegno “Sostanze bioattive da colture industriali: dal campo ai bioprodotti” (R2B- Research to business supportata dalla Regione Emilia Romagna; UE 2014-2020). June 14th, 2022.


Peixoto, A.B., Andrade, N., Machado, S., Costa, A.S.G., Oliveira, M.B.P.P., Martel, F., Alves, R.C. (2021). Influence of a coffee silver skin extract on glucose intestinal transports: an apparent synergism between caffeine and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (oral communication). ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety, and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th 2021 – M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Sousa, M., Nunes, M.A., Lobo, J.C., Palmeira, J.D., Machado, S., Melo, D., Costa, A.S.G., Alves, R.C., Ferreira, H., Oliveira, M.B.P.P. (2021). Heat-treated olive pomace paste: a safe edible ingredient for the food industry (oral communication). ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety, and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th, 2021 M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Millán-Yubero, D. Melo, M. Nunes, A., Martínez, E., Oliveira, M.B.P.P., Pardo, J.E., Álvarez-Orti, M. (2021). Physico-chemical, nutritional, and sensory study on the inclusion of seed oils in the formulation of puff pastry to elaborate Miguelitos de la Roda. (2021) ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety, and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th, 2021 – M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Melo, M., Nunes, A., Millán-Yubero, C., Álvarez-Orti, M., Oliveira, M.B.P.P (2021). Comparison of the lipid fractions of trending seeds (chia, flax, poppy, and sesame). ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety, and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th, 2021 – M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Jorge, O., Costa, A.S.G., Oliveira, M.B.P.P. (2021). Prickly pear: nutritional differences between an irrigated and a not irrigated culture (oral communication).ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety, and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th, 2021 – M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Espírito Santo, L. Kocanová, A., Jorge, O., Costa, A.S.G., Almeida, A., Oliveira, M.B.P.P., (2021). Mineral profile of four varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes. ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th, 2021 – M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Espírito Santo, A. La Rocca, M. Sousa, A.S.G. Costa, M.A. Nunes, R.C. Alves, A. Almeida, M.B.P.P. Oliveira (2021). Mineral profile of olive pomace from different crops in Portugal. ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th, 2021 – M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Andrade, L. Espírito Santo, J.A.B. Peixoto, C. Silva, R.C. Alves, M.B.P.P. Oliveira, F. Martel (2021). Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller cladodes: effect on different types of cancer cell lines. (2021) ISEKI E-conference. Food texture, quality, safety, and biosecurity in the global bioeconomy, November 12th, 2021 – M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira.

Alem, Habtamu (2021). Applying an integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: insights from the SYSTEMIC project. 6th JPI HDHL International Conference. April 20- 21, 2021. (Project presentation)

Marco Bindi (2021): Applying an integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: insights from the SYSTEMIC project. Milano, 21st September 2021 at Mind Foods Hub (Project presentation)

L. Bassolino, G. Bianchi, M. Buccheri, L. D’Addezio, P. De Vita, D. B. M. Ficco, E. Habyarimana, L. Mistura, D. Pacifico, K. Petroni, R. Paris and G. Mandolino (2021) CLIMAQUALITEC – Agricultural biotechnology for nutrition quality of food crops in different agro-climate scenario. Challenges and perspectives in Potato and Cereal crops LXIV Congress of the Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA) 14-16 September, 2021

L.F.P. Rodriguez, G. Secci, F. Gai, G. Maricchiolo, G. Parisi (2021). Effect of dietary Hermetia illucens larvae meal on triglyceride composition of sea bream fillets. 24th Congress of the animal science and production association. Animal Science and Society Concerns, September 21-24, 2021, Padova (Italy)

Alem, Habtamu (2020). Structuration and activities of the Knowledge Platform lessons from the SYSTEMIC project. 2020 Virtual meeting with FOSC funders. 21. September 2020 (Project presentation)