Two teams are involved in SYSTEMIC project:
GME: is working on gram positive spore forming bacteria from genome analysis, to modification and expression and production of proteins of interest notably from the Bacillus cereus group. The objectives are related to both food safety (contaminants in the food chain)) and to Microbial – bio control of pest insect (Bacillus thuringiensis). Recently we are interested Insect health during mass rearing conditions and microbial safety of insect based feed and food.
ComBac : Focuses its research on the way food and commensal streptococci (S. thermophilus, S. salivarius) interact with their environments using molecular genetics, and biochemistry l methods. With respect to bacteria-food matrices the streptococci behavior is investigated in new animal or vegetal food matrices. The impact of these matrices on the functional or health properties of the strains is also explored.
They are mainly involved in WP3:
- Safe and healthy production of insects (linked to the ITN H2020 EU- InsectDoctors project)
- How to optimise iron availability from iron rich food/feed (eg. beans, Insect meal)
- Creation of GRAS (safe bacteria) for better bio-availability of iron
- Identification of bacillus enzymes for pre-digestion of fibers (eg. insect chitin) to increase
- Development of an Insect model as alternative to measure in situ assimilation of labelled or non labelled feed/food
EoI responsible ( GME team)
DR2, senior Researcher
People involved
Françoise Rul (ComBac team)
Senior researcher
Agnes Rejasse (GME team)
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