Italy – EoI 1105

The EoI1105 has expertise on precision farming, crop water management and productivity and sustainable crop production, including LCA and GHG monitoring.

The EoI1105 aims at creating awareness of the challenges to be faced in terms of use of water resources and sustainable agronomic management for agricultural production, and to support new approaches, methods, technologies and best practices for planning and managing agricultural activities.

The main contribution is linked to the development of a “road map” for the implementation of a series of “best practices” for sustainable and smart agriculture, also in a context of urban agriculture, a phenomenon which is now concrete and well established in many European countries.

On one hand, the project aims to understand what are the main mechanisms determining the response of crops to climate variability, with particular reference to water resources and their current and future availability. This with the aim of identifying adaptation strategies (best practices) for the optimization of water productivity in agriculture (WP1 – Task 1.2).

On the other, a careful scientific evaluation of the benefits associated with the application of precision agronomic techniques (use of satellite information, drones, sensors on the ground, etc.) and its environmental effects will help to overcome the current barriers that limit the adoption of these techniques, especially in Italy, and will provide a base of information to support the related agricultural policies (WP2 – Task 2.1).

EoI responsible
Anna Dalla Marta
Assistant Professor

People involved
Simone Orlandini
Full professor

Marco Napoli

Link:  NOMAD – Novel Organic recovery using Mobile Advanced technology OPERA – Operationalizing the increase of water use efficiency and resilience in irrigation) Serbia for Excell – SERBian-Austrian-Italian (SAI) partnership FORcing EXCELLence in ecosystem research