The research group of the University of Palermo – Department of Engineering has wide expertise and scientific excellence in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), eco-design environmental sustainability, energy and environmental impacts calculation, circular economy, sustainable production and consumption, energy and environmentally extended input-output models, decarbonization strategies of systems and processes. In particular, the research group developed LCA studies, according to the international standards of the ISO 14040 series, for assessing the energy and environmental performance of agri-food products such as protected crops (tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and melons), organic and conventional apples, bread, oil and wine. In addition, “virtuous” and eco-design solutions were identified for improving the energy and environmental performance of the above products.
Involvement in the project:
WP 1 Resource use, current knowledge, and future trends – Task 1.1
WP 2 Sustainable and Value-Added Food Production – Task 2.3) Novel foods based on new ingredients, materials, and processes
WP 5 Public Health and Environmental Impacts – Task 5.3. Relevant health effects and environmental impacts and TASK 5.5. Health effects and environmental impacts: scenarios comparison
WP 6 Dissemination and capacity building
EoI responsable
Maurizio Cellura
Full Professor
People involved
Sonia Longo
Assistant professor